Bringing Soccer to the Youth of North Dakota Since 1985

At North Dakota Soccer Association (NDSA), we provide access to a fun, safe and healthy game for kids of all ages. We offer recreational and competitive soccer programs that provide levels of play aimed at meeting the numerous needs and goals of ALL KIDS.
NDSA provides a healthy activity through its recreational programs. These programs emphasize fun instead of winning. Every child is guaranteed playing time and the game is played in a fun and enjoyable atmosphere.
For players with the desire to advance their skills, competitive play is offered. Highly competitive players may have their sights set on a college soccer career or ultimately playing for the National or U.S. Olympic teams.
The NDSA partners with South Dakota in the Olympic Development Program (Dakota ODP). Dakota ODP is a great way for youth players with goals of advancing their soccer career to receive a higher level of training and coaching.
NDSA is a member organization of US Youth Soccer. USYS is a nationwide organization of over 600,000 volunteers and administrators and over 300,000 dedicated coaches, many of whom are volunteers. USYS registers over 3,000,000 players, between the ages of 4 and 19, through its 54-member state associations. NDSA registers players, volunteer, and coaches. Volunteers are the backbone of youth soccer; the NDSA board, member associations, coaches and other “support staff” consists almost entirely of volunteers.
In addition, through its affiliation with USYS, NDSA is a member of the United States Soccer Federation and FIFA (Federation Internationale de Football Association). FIFA is the international governing body for soccer and the USSF has been a FIFA member since 1913.
NDSA is able to provide uniform rules, policies and guidelines. These guidelines facilitate intra-state, inter-state and international play and provide a structured appeals process. NDSA’s operations, at the direction of the board of directors, are conducted by the board president, treasurer, secretary and vice president. Each board member is elected to office by delegates from NDSA’s affiliated clubs at the annual general meeting AGM.
Click to view a presentation about why join North Dakota Soccer Association.