Dakota ODP will begin using Training Centers
Dakota ODP in an effort to streamline the identification and scouting of players in 2022 will begin using training centers.
What is a training center?
An opportunity for any player to train and play with players in their birth year and gender that have been either recommended by their club or are interested in the program.
Who can participate?
Through a process with Dakota ODP Staff. Clubs will have the opportunity to recommend players to attend a Training Center. However, each training center is also open to any player to experience.
What birth years can participate?
Boys and Girls born in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 2009. 2010, 2011
How much do they cost?
$50/training center – 2 training sessions
Who coaches the players at a Training Center?
A combination of local staff and Dakota ODP Staff
Can a player attend more than one training center in multiple locations?
Yes, each training center costs $50 to attend.
Will my son or daughter receive an evaluation from the training center session and the Dakota ODP Training Camp?
Yes. – within 2 weeks
Will there be future Training Center opportunities in my community? There’s only one close to where I live.
Yes, our long term goal with this structure is to have continuous ODP opportunities throughout the year with more Training Centers added to the calendar.
For those players not selected to the Dakota ODP Training Camp, they will still have the opportunity to attend a Training Center to improve and be identified for future ODP events/programming.
How do I register?
Registration will be done through the Dakota ODP website. CLICK ON REGISTER IN THE UPPER RIGHT HAND CORNER
What if I can’t make any of the training centers?
Based on a recommendation from your club or high school program you will be invited to the Dakota ODP Training Camp. Past participation in the program will also be considered.
If you were unable to make a training center, due to your high school season. You do not need to be recommended to attend the training camp. Any high school age player recommended or not, can attend the training camp.